HASA provides students with the opportunity to grow and learn outside the classroom.
Synopsis of Halifax Academy Sports and Activities Foundation:
Halifax Academy Sports and Activities Foundation is a non-profit organization that provides the students at Halifax Academy with the opportunity to participate in clubs, athletic activities, social functions (i.e. dances and dinners), and other extracurricular activities by providing the funds, buildings, fields, and necessary equipment.
Funding for Halifax Academy Sports and Activities Foundation is provided through numerous fundraisers, grants, and donations.
All coaches and staff for Halifax Academy Sports and Activities Foundation are volunteers.
Reasoning behind Halifax Academy Sports and Activities Foundation:
Many of the students at Halifax Academy come from a larger school where they were “falling between the cracks”, whether it is because of a Learning Disability (LD’s), or just the fact that the child needed a safer atmosphere with a more personal approach. Since many of its students need “extra” help in school Halifax Academy must look into all avenues to provide the students with the skills to be successful, not only in the classroom, but also as an active member of the community. “Although much information is needed to determine the exact causes of LDs, what is known is that affected children are intelligent, may perform well in music, sports and the arts, and they may possess strong leadership skills. Early intervention is key to helping the child successfully meet the challenges that lie ahead in school. ”
Most of our students who were attending a public school were not able to participate in extracurricular activities for a number of reasons. Many of these students did not earn the grades necessary to try out for or sign up for teams or clubs in the public schools. Even if the students earned the grades they are usually perceived to have a behavior problem, due to their lack of social development or LD. Therefore, the coach or sponsor of that sport will not allow them to participate on the team or club.
By Halifax Academy providing the students the opportunity to succeed in the classroom and maintain the required Grade Point Average (GPA) to participate in extracurricular activities, the students are given the opportunity to finally feel a sense of success. Providing these extracurricular activities helps promote better self-esteem as well as a number of other quality behaviors that the students have not had the opportunity to explore.
As numerous studies have shown, extracurricular activities that are denied at larger schools are the same activities many experts have said are will enable these students to grow and contribute to the community. These opportunities, provided by Halifax Academy Sports and Activities Foundation allow the students at Halifax Academy to have a more complete school experience that will fully prepare them to succeed in their future endeavors.
**Halifax Academy does not collect a fee to participate in any of our activities. This is due to the fact that many of our students come to us on low-income scholarships. Our school wants to allow all students an equal opportunity.**
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